Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai
FMOD library interface
177.5 KB
5 Nov 2011
Code to bind FMOD shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Graph functions
10.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Some functions for making graphs with 3D columns
author: Oldes
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
GLES and EGL library interface
139.2 KB
28 Apr 2020
Use modern OpenGL with shaders
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Histogram maker
9.6 KB
18 Apr 2011
To produce a histogram from a data series, to display it in a window, to save it as PNG file and/or as a data file
author: Rudolf W. Meijer
HTML Dialect
21.8 KB
20 Aug 2008
HTML dialect for simple generation of webpages with REBOL code.
author: henrik mikael kristensen
33.2 KB
16 Jan 2013
General purpose listview with many features for use in VID.
author: henrik mikael kristensen
Multi-methods implementation
9.0 KB
11 Apr 2005
Implements polyformism using multi-methods technique and typed objects
author: Jaime Vargas
Multiple Column Data Grids
multi-column-data-grids.r7.9 KB
30 Nov 2009
A demonstration of how to create your own home made listview types of multiple column data grids. Easier to use than the 'list style, and built entirely using native VID, so completely adjustable to your needs. Many useful features are demonstrated, such as user editing of data in the grid, saving and loading of data to/from [...]
author: nick
Multiple Column Data Grids
multi-column-data-grids7.9 KB
23 Sep 2009
A demonstration of how to create your own home made listview types of multiple column data grids. Easier to use than the 'list style, and built entirely using native VID, so completely adjustable to your needs. Many useful features are demonstrated, such as user editing of data in the grid, saving and loading of data to/from [...]
author: nick
MySQL database interfacing logic.
17.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
Interface to the mysql libs, needs /Pro or /Command
author: Maarten Koopmans, Ernie van der Meer
Sort by multiple keys
2.4 KB
17 Apr 2006
Function to sort series with more than one field per record, by multiple keys, in any position and in ascending or descending order each one of them.
author: Cesar Chavez
AIOE Newsgroup Test
13.3 KB
8 Mar 2008
- an application of NNTP protocol - and an introduction
author: R.v.d.Zee
REBOL Blogger
39.0 KB
11 Jul 2007
The blog system written and used by Carl Sassenrath, REBOL's creator. This script will let you post and update blogs on your website using just a web browser. Generates summary and index pages, blog searches, etc. Extensible with Makedoc2 for more formatting options.
author: Carl Sassenrath
National Instruments Rebol Wrapper
180.9 KB
19 Sep 2008
A wrapper allowing to use National Instrument DAQmx base library with Rebol
author: Francois Jouen (ldci)
National Instruments Rebol Wrapper
176.8 KB
25 Feb 2013
A wrapper allowing to use National Instrument DAQmx base (3.6) library with Rebol
author: Francois Jouen (ldci)
Network Tools
8.6 KB
12 Jul 2006
Collection of network tools
author: François Jouen
OpenGL library interface
125.5 KB
25 Apr 2013
Code to bind OpenGL, GLU, GLUT shared libraries to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
26.8 KB
19 Jan 2009
[no purpose header found]
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva